Where to find Third Bowl Homemade Ice Cream?

Third Bowl Homemade Ice Cream is created and sold wholesale out of Hotckiss, Colorado to Scoop Shops and Grocery Stores!

Find Third Bowl at these Colorado Ice Cream Scoop Shops

Find Third Bowl at these Colorado Grocery and Convenience Stores

Overnight Dry Ice Shipping

We are happy to ship ice cream to our super fans within the continental u.s. Getting your favorite flavor for special occasions, anniversary, birthday, or just because is a unique way to surprise your loved ones or treat yourself!

As you’d expect, shipping homemade ice cream has a few requirements. We use FedEx overnight and a particular amount of dry iced based on the volume of your ice cream order.

You Expect shipping to cost 2-3x’s the cost of the ice cream itself.

Shipping within the state of Colorado on average is $60-$80

A typical order and the most economical way to ship while still getting stocked up on your fix is to get about 8-10 pints.

Because of the unique shipping process, we ask that you submit the following so that we can get a shipping quote started for you!